Supporting Youth in Foster Care and Youth that are Homeless by expertly infusing art disciplines and
Social-Emotional Learning across content areas.
Project Objectives
Through innovative and intentional Professional Learning and Coaching, expertly infuse art disciplines and Social-Emotional Learning across content areas. To learn the best practices to engage the disengaged - the At Promise youth that are chronically absent.
Project Goals
The Promising Learner Project participating school districts will gain and refine strategies and best practices that...
Decrease chronic absenteeism
Increase youth engagement
Increase family and community engagement
Increase safe and positive learning environments for youth
How Does This Grant Project Support
Youth in Foster Care and Youth that are Homeless?
"Promising Learners Project has been by far a great partnership with the Los Angeles County Office of Education's Center for Distance and Online Learning Unit and has brought so many resources and activities to our's a joy to see music and arts infused in the classroom...the amount of joy in students' faces and the PD provided to teachers was meaningful with great conversations...PLP provides a platform for our students to express themselves." - Priyadarshini Darbari, Keppel Union School District Assistant Superintendent of Instructional Services
"Promising Learners Project impacted our site in many ways...most importantly we do PBIS at Sanchez and it added to our program particularly in the areas of art...we added Cozy Corners in classrooms, alternative seating, art nights for parents, wellness room, student artwork around school." - Alicia Rubio, Principal Sanchez Elementary School
"Promising Learners Project was impactful at our site mostly because of the Social Emotional Learning aspect of bringing the arts in to the classrooms...building student environments comfortable enough for them to learn and thrive." - Efrain Murillo, Principal Central Elementary School
The Los Angeles County Office of Education's (LACOE) Center for Distance and Online Learning (CDOL), in the Division of Curriculum and Instructional Services, has expanded the Promising Learners Project (PLP) that proposes to provide school and district staff training that significantly increases pupil engagement, improves school climate, expands evidence-based, non-punitive practices, and establishes partnerships with community-based organizations. This 3 year grant project supports Baldwin Park, Hacienda La Puente, Keppel Union, and Norwalk-La Mirada school districts in creating Positive Learning Experiences through a Multi-Tiered System of Support Using Social-Emotional Learning and the Arts at a total of 18 school sites and TK-8th grade classrooms. This grant was awarded through the California Department of Education's Learning Communities for School Success Program (LCSSP) in the Fall of 2023.
The Promising Learners Project presents teachers with the opportunity to create engaging environments and learning experiences to provide students the ability to achieve academic and social success, by expanding from TK-third grade youth to 4th-8th grade youth in foster care and youth that are unhoused. This project's unique aspect is its ability to provide Social Emotional Learning (SEL) and Arts Integration strategies to lead students to achieve greater depth of knowledge and a supportive environment where they are given confidence through a personalized appeal to art.
The project goals will be accomplished by providing the district teachers, administrators, family, and community access to teaching artists, mental health professionals, LACOE Foster Youth Services (FYS) staff, and LACOE Homeless Children and Youth through CDOL's high-quality learning model and Collective Impact Partnerships.